1.It’s effective: Acupuncture has treated billions of people over the past 5000 years. Originating in Asia, it is now practiced widely in the West. Acupuncture can treat many different of medical diseases, disorders and symptoms, including pain, arthritis, infertility, headaches and allergies effectively. Acupuncture gets to the root of the illness and also used as a preventative medicine. Acupuncture will awaken and energize the self –healing and regenerating capacity of the body. It plays an important role in avoiding serious diseases and keeping the body mind spirit and soul healthy.
2.It’s safe: Tiny, disposable, sterile needles placed gently into specific acupuncture points. The sensation caused by acupuncture needles are varies. Some people feel slight amount of pain as the needles are inserted, but most people feel no pain at all. The needles are tiny, just little bigger than a cat’s whisker or a human hair. There are no side effects in acupuncture, only a feeling relaxation and well- being. This is a natural treatment. There is no danger of infection from the acupuncture needles because they are sterile, used once, and discarded. Acupuncture also safe for children. If your child is afraid of needles, Dr. Munko may massage the acupuncture points. This is called acupressure treatment.
3.It is drug free: The perfect way to get well and stay healthy without using chemical medication. Prescription drugs usually have a lot of side effects.
4.It is fast: Make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Munko who will use your pulse, tongue, eyes, ear spots to diagnosis your condition and devise an individual treatment plan for you. Many times receiving acupuncture same day will result in your feeling much better after just one treatment.
5.It’s smart: Oriental medicine view each person as a dynamic and holistic being. Every tissue and organ is interrelated and interconnected, functioning as an integrated whole. Dr. Munko will determine why the patient is suffering; many times Western Medicine does not hold all the answers. Acupuncture can heal! Once you begin acupuncture you can break the cycle of endless tests, hospital stays, and medicines that don’t work as those have suffered from back pain, migraine headaches or depression well know.